Students who have completed their course in web design can learn the advanced concepts of web development. In web development students learn to apply complex codes to the designed website; thereby allowing complex tasks like data processing, analysis and content management to take place. This is done using languages like PHP, ASP, JSP, Perl, Python or Ruby. PHP being open-source is the preferred choice for most web developers. MySQL databases are used in conjunction with PHP coding. As a part of the Web Development course PHP & MySQL training will comprise of the major part of our training program.
The training program is developed in a way that enables the students pursuing the Web development class to develop high-end websites that can process complex information. Primarily, well suited for the booming E-Commerce industry. The training program is prepared by experts working for top MNC’s. As a part of the Web Development Course, students have to develop working websites as a project which can be later shown to the companies for placements.
Lesson 1. Introduction
Lesson 2. Environment
Lesson 3. Syntax Overview
Lesson 4. Variable Types
Lesson 5. Constants
Lesson 6. Operator Types
Lesson 7. Decision Making
Lesson 8. Loop Types
Lesson 9. Arrays
Lesson 10. Strings
Lesson 11. Web Concepts
Lesson 12. File Inclusion
Lesson 13. Files and I/O
Lesson 14. Functions
Lesson 15. Cookies
Lesson 16. Sessions
Lesson 17. Sending Emails
Lesson 18. PHP File Uploading
Lesson 19. PHP Coding Standard
Lesson 1. Predefined Variables
Lesson 2. Regular Expression
Lesson 3. Error Handling
Lesson 4. Bugs Debugging
Lesson 5. Date and Time
Lesson 6. PHP and MySQL
Lesson 7. PHP and AJAX
Lesson 8. PHP and XML
Lesson 9. PHP Object Oriented
Lesson 10. PHP for C Developers
Lesson 11. PHP for PERL Developers
Lesson 1. What is AJAX ?
Lesson 2. AJAX Technologies
Lesson 3. AJAX Examples
Lesson 4. Browser Support
Lesson 5. AJAX in Action
Lesson 6. AJAX XMLHttpRequest
Lesson 7. AJAX Database
Lesson 8. AJAX Security
Lesson 9. Issues with AJAX
Lesson 1. Overview
Lesson 2. Syntax
Lesson 3. Enabling
Lesson 4. Placement
Lesson 5. Variables
Lesson 6. Operators
Lesson 7. If..Else
Lesson 8. Switch Case
Lesson 9. While Loop
Lesson 10. For..Loop
Lesson 11. For..In
Lesson 12. Loop Control
Lesson 13. Functions
Lesson 14. Events
Lesson 15.Cookies
Lesson 17. Dialog Boxes
Lesson 18. Void Keyword
Lesson 19. Page Printing
Lesson 1. Objects
Lesson 2. Number
Lesson 3. Boolean
Lesson 4. Strings
Lesson 5. Arrays
Lesson 6. Date
Lesson 7. Math
Lesson 8. RegExp
Lesson 9. HTML DOM
Lesson 1. Overview
Lesson 2. Basics
Lesson 3. Selectors
Lesson 4. Attributes
Lesson 5. Traversing
Lesson 6. CSS
Lesson 7. DOM
Lesson 8. Events
Lesson 9. AJAX
Lesson 10. Effects
Lesson 11. JQuery UI[Interactions,Widgets,Theming]