Learn to Build some of the best and finest enterprise based applications in Net technology with us. Explore the world of c#,asp ,jsp and .net framework with us. We at SourceKode Technologies provide a world class training in .Net. With .Net technology comes the placement assistance. Get placed with the Top MNC’s and build a career.
Lesson 1. Introduction to ASP.Net
Lesson 2. ASP .Net Web Server Controls
Lesson 3. AJAX Control
Lesson 4. User Controls in ASP .Net
Lesson 5. Navigation control
Lesson 6. Validation Control
Lesson 7. Login Controls
Lesson 8. Dynamic Graphics
Lesson 9. Placing Custom Images Inside Web Pages
Lesson 10. Image Format and Quality
Lesson 11. Configuring Master Page and Theme
Lesson 1. Classes and Objects
Lesson 2. Using View State
Lesson 3. Maintaining Sessions
Lesson 4. Web Services
Lesson 5. Web API
Lesson 6. Error Handling
Lesson 7. Code Optimization
Lesson 8. Data Binding
Lesson 9. Data Manipulations
Lesson 1. SQL
Lesson 2. Basic SQL Commands
Lesson 3. Stored Procedures
Lesson 4. Views